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cordiale bar collection

the ribbed, light up, cordiale bar is made from polyethlyne plastic with white laminate top

the bar section has two LED soft white lights and one power cord
the corner section has one LED soft white light and one power cord

$195.00 - $295.00
cordiale bar
cordiale corner

pricing is per piece, per 5-day rental period


cordiale bar: 8 pieces available
cordiale corner: 6 pieces available


cordiale bar: 47" w x 27.5" d x 43.6" h, 35.5" counter height
cordiale corner: 27.5" w x 27.5" d x 43.5" h, 35.5" counter height

Special Notes

the upper header of the bar section can be branded
measurement: 47" w x 11.5" h

the upper header of the corner section can be branded
measurement: 48" w x 11.5" h

(NY AREA) for custom logos/graphics at additional costs we recommend:
AMA Graphics & Displays LLC
contact: Nino Como / tel: 917-295-1704 / email: acomo@mac.com
if branding is being applied, a graphic removal fee will be assessed


cordiale bar: 110 lbs
cordiale corner: 75 lbs

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