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pure bar with shelf

white metal powder coated bar with milk plexi inserts.
available with shelf made from clear plexi, see photos.

pure bar with shelf

pricing is per piece, per 5-day rental period


29 pieces available with clear plexi shelf


72" w x 24" d x 40" h
front plexi panel (brandable area): 69.5" w x 37.5" h
side plexi panel (brandable area): 21.5" w x 37.5" h
top plexi panel: 69.5" w x 21.5" d

Special Notes

*bar shelf is made from clear 3/8" plexi (100lbs) weight capacity.
*shadows of the shelf will be visible unless you brand the face of the bar.

(NY AREA branding) for custom logos/graphics at additional costs we recommend:
AMA Graphics & Displays LLC
contact: Nino Como / tel:917-295-1704/ email: acomo@mac.com
if branding is being applied, a graphic removal fee will be assessed

NY AREA lighting) for wireless LEDs at additional costs we recommend:
Pegasus Productions (www.pegasusproductions.us)
contact: Liz Kirschner / tel: 718.232.5709


120 lbs